RENTAL of Business Premises in KAMNIK on Ljubljanska cesta
RENTAL of Business Premises in KAMNIK on Ljubljanska cesta
Rental price: €8/m²/month + VAT + utilities
In Kamnik, on the first floor of a commercial building on Ljubljanska cesta, a business space is available for rent.
The available space measures 80.35 m².
It consists of an office of 52.72 m², another office of 20.13 m², and a shared hallway of 7.50 m², which connects the offices and can also serve as storage.
The space is rented furnished, with custom-made office furniture.
Rental price: €8/m²/month + VAT + utilities
Parking spaces are available around the building.
The price of a parking space is €20/month.
The space is connected to water, electricity, sewage, and internet (fiber optic) networks.
Restrooms are shared with other tenants.
We do not charge tenants any commission for renting business premises.
For more information about renting the business space or to arrange a viewing, please contact us.